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MAN MACHINE INDUSTRY Release The New EP “Eschaton II. Judgment Day”

MAN MACHINE INDUSTRY Release The New EP “Eschaton II. Judgment Day”

MAN MACHINE INDUSTRY Release The New EP “Eschaton II. Judgment Day”

The Swedish Heavy/Thrashers MAN MACHINE INDUSTRY Release The New EP “Eschaton II. Judgment Day” in CD Version; Watch the Video for “Where Angels Die”!

The Swedish heavy/thrash metallers MAN MACHINE INDUSTRY have released the CD version of the new EP “Eschaton II. Judgment Day” via GMR Music Group today! This is the second part of the trilogy of EP/Mini-albums to be released back-to-back with only a year, or less, apart. Following the highly-acclaimed “Eschaton I. Reckoning Day” (2022), the new EP is composed of 7 new tracks that will not make you stop banging your head!

An official video for the track “Where Angels Die” – considered by MMI’s mastermind J. Bergman as “the most intense song I’ve ever written”) – is already on the GMR YouTube channel.

On “Eschaton I. Reckoning Day” J. Bergman sings a duet with the legendary singer Dave Hill from NWOBHM-legends DEMON, on “Eschaton II. Judgment Day” the tradition keeps going thanks to a new duet with David White from the old-school Bay Area thrashers HEATHEN on the song “R.I.P”, which is an energetic thrashy, yet melodic tune.

As its predecessor, the main theme of “Eschaton II. Judgment Day” is the end of the world. The sound is stronger, powerful, energetic and aggressive yet melodic than ever! If you are a fan of Megadeth, Judas Priest and Machine Head – this is the right sound for your ears!

MMI is the solo project created by producer/songwriter/front-man J. Bergman who has a history as the drummer in SLAPDASH (Nuclear Blast Records) and ROSICRUCIAN (Black Mark Prod). The MMI discography includes the debut “Box of Horrors” (2016, KMP), followed by “Reborn” (2018, GMR Music) and “Doomsday Clock” (2020, GMR Music). MMI appeared in the PS3/XBox game “The Darkness” with two videos, and you can also see him in the Viktor Vran game “Through The Ages-The Overkill edition” together with MOTÖRHEAD.

“Eschaton II. Judgment Day” has been produced, mixed and recorded by J. Bergman at Studio Killing Machine. Mastering by Erik Mårtensson at Mass Destruction Production. All instruments performed by J. Bergman except the following: split lead vocals on “R.I.P” with David White. Guitar on “Judgment Day” by Oscar Mander. The voice of president Doomsday on “March of Judgment” and “Judgment Day” by Jens C. Mortensen. Design and layout by J. Bergman. Band logo by J. Bergman. Photo by Mattias Johansson. Enclosed you can see the artwork by Anders Plassgård.

MAN MACHINE INDUSTRY Release The New EP “Eschaton II. Judgment Day”

The Swedish Heavy/Thrashers MAN MACHINE INDUSTRY Release The New EP “Eschaton II. Judgment Day” in CD Version; Watch the Video for “Where Angels Die”!

The Swedish heavy/thrash metallers MAN MACHINE INDUSTRY have released the CD version of the new EP “Eschaton II. Judgment Day” via GMR Music Group today! This is the second part of the trilogy of EP/Mini-albums to be released back-to-back with only a year, or less, apart. Following the highly-acclaimed “Eschaton I. Reckoning Day” (2022), the new EP is composed of 7 new tracks that will not make you stop banging your head!

An official video for the track “Where Angels Die” – considered by MMI’s mastermind J. Bergman as “the most intense song I’ve ever written”) – is already on the GMR YouTube channel.

On “Eschaton I. Reckoning Day” J. Bergman sings a duet with the legendary singer Dave Hill from NWOBHM-legends DEMON, on “Eschaton II. Judgment Day” the tradition keeps going thanks to a new duet with David White from the old-school Bay Area thrashers HEATHEN on the song “R.I.P”, which is an energetic thrashy, yet melodic tune.

As its predecessor, the main theme of “Eschaton II. Judgment Day” is the end of the world. The sound is stronger, powerful, energetic and aggressive yet melodic than ever! If you are a fan of Megadeth, Judas Priest and Machine Head – this is the right sound for your ears!

MMI is the solo project created by producer/songwriter/front-man J. Bergman who has a history as the drummer in SLAPDASH (Nuclear Blast Records) and ROSICRUCIAN (Black Mark Prod). The MMI discography includes the debut “Box of Horrors” (2016, KMP), followed by “Reborn” (2018, GMR Music) and “Doomsday Clock” (2020, GMR Music). MMI appeared in the PS3/XBox game “The Darkness” with two videos, and you can also see him in the Viktor Vran game “Through The Ages-The Overkill edition” together with MOTÖRHEAD.

“Eschaton II. Judgment Day” has been produced, mixed and recorded by J. Bergman at Studio Killing Machine. Mastering by Erik Mårtensson at Mass Destruction Production. All instruments performed by J. Bergman except the following: split lead vocals on “R.I.P” with David White. Guitar on “Judgment Day” by Oscar Mander. The voice of president Doomsday on “March of Judgment” and “Judgment Day” by Jens C. Mortensen. Design and layout by J. Bergman. Band logo by J. Bergman. Photo by Mattias Johansson. Enclosed you can see the artwork by Anders Plassgård.

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